AHSG, via its Directors and their related entities, have undertaken an extensive range of assignments for a diverse range of clients. For many of our clients we have undertaken multiple assignments.
Our Clients:
The AHSG team are working with a wide range of organisations and industry sectors in Australia and New Zealand including:
- Public Health Services, Hospitals and District Health Services
- Private Hospitals – Profit & Not for Profit
- Day Surgery Centres
- Diagnostic service providers
- Specialist and General Practices
- Aged Care and Retirement Organisations
- Commonwealth and State Governments
- Community and Disability Organisations
- Profit, Not for Profit, NGO’s & Industry Associations
- Developers, Architects, Builders and Funders
- Business and commercial organisations
Below is a sample of the assignments we have undertaken. Further information on the full range of assignments can be obtained by contacting the AHSG Directors.

Adventist Health Care – led strategic and principle project advisor for major public private partnership bid worth over $450m. Involved in all aspects of the project bid from Boards through to structuring, financing, funding, operations, staffing, service modelling and delivery.

Aurora Projects – Undertook a health market analysis and financial feasibility study for the acute private hospital component of a large integrated health development in NSW.

Bathurst Health Service – strategic, operational, financial advice and mentoring of GM

Calvary Health Care — Undertook a review of current operating activity, identified and planned remedial actions to improve the overall business performance of the organisation, while determining the strategic direction for clinical services development and preparing a Master Plan for the site inclusive of full financial possibilities. Also reviewed the Local Services Plan and gave advice regarding future direction of business.

Continuum Healthcare Group – management engagement of AHSG team to provide strategic, managerial, leadership and executive services to assist the group in its establishment, acquisition, strategic development, capital development, structuring and ongoing divisional operations. This engagement also includes holding directorships of the companies, holding of a Board position and working closely with all shareholders. This project also included operation and redevelopment a Private Hospital in Sydney.

Dubbo RSL Age Care Centre — Prepared and advised the Commonwealth Round applications to enable the restructuring of services across the Associations 3 sites including the development of a new 60 bed high care facility (2003). This also enabled the redevelop of the facility at Wellington NSW and acquired additional beds for the Dubbo facility (2005).

Far West Local Health District – evaluation and mentoring of senior executives, assist CEO to manage successful transition to new leadership team

Goulburn Valley Health – review of the Emergency Department Service, operational issues, staffing, models of care, alignment to new facilities and implementation strategy

Lifeline WA – Advised and developed with Lifeline WA a feasibility proposal to go to the WA Health Department and Health Minister regarding the expansion and funding of proactive counselling and support services to be operated in conjunction with the mental health emergency teams for all of WA.

Murrumbidgee Local Health District – Support and review of key operational issues of organisation and deliver of key aspects of a major capital project, Locum General Manager for Wagga Wagga Health Service, Budget development and staff profiling, bed management strategies and strategy plan, contracting for surgical service delivery, ED flow and systems advice to drive efficiency.

North Metropolitan Area Health Service (Perth) – strategic and operational advice to area and individual divisions / sites relating to performance, finances, KPI’s. Mentoring and coaching of individual executives.

Northeast Health Wangaratta – Provided mentoring and on-boarding of senior executives, plus the review and restructure of Allied, Community and Well Ageing Services, and a review of Pharmacy Services and mentoring of numerous executives.

Northern Territory Government – Gave consultation and an options paper on the Privatisation of health services.

NSW Health Department – Reviewed State IR systems and awards for the Joint Albury–Wodonga Health Campus.

Royal North Shore & Ryde Health Service – Reviewed Public Private Partnership arrangements, evaluated financial impact of redevelopment project on operations, ABF implementation, Culture and accountability systems. Mentored senior executives. Facilitation and advice around speciality based strategic planning days and operational performance.

Sydney Adventist Hospital — Provided operational and strategic reviews, benchmarking, management development, training and development and advice to Executive and Corporate Service management team on a broad range of issues. Ran facilitation and training workshops based around culture, customer driven organisations, process improvement, leadership and management skills. Also reviewed and benchmarked Ward/Unit Nurse staffing levels.

St John of God Health Care — Advisor to and member of the successful “Midland Hospital Bid Team” for the privatisation of the current Swan District Hospital in Perth and the relocation and redevelopment under a PPP model for the creation, design, building and operation of the Midland Health campus involving a 360 bed hospital and related services in Perth.

St Vincent’s & Mater Health Service – Evaluation of a new business initiative.

The University of Sydney – Reviewed the Faculty of Veterinarian Sciences Specialist Hospitals including operations, strategy, financial performance and future direction. The review has lead to a major reshaping of the strategic direction and financial performance of the hospitals.

Uniting Healthcare Brisbane – review of labour management practices across their two major teaching facilities.

Western NSW Local Health District – Strategic and operational advice to CEO and executive team on a broad range of matters and activity driven staff profiles and management reporting. Review and linking of activity, revenue and expense management. Review of medical imaging unit services across District and examination of potential for public private interface and development of new delivery models. Provided executive Mentoring & Advice for Bathurst Health Service.

Westmead Private Hospital (Ramsay Healthcare) – Development of strategic plan, facilitation of 2 day strategic planning workshop with Executive and Middle Managers and operational evaluation of business performance.

Women’s & Children’s Local Health Network (SA Health) – Operational advisory and financial turnaround of LHN, develop system of accountabilities and engage with key stakeholders and executive.